quarta-feira, 20 de junho de 2007

Church goes to process Sony for “unhealthy” game

A Church of England, igreja nacional do Reino Unido, ameaça processar a Sony. A empresa incluiu sem permissão uma cena de tiroteio em seu jogo Resistance: Fall of Man, que se passa dentro da Catedral de Manchester. A Sony garante que possui documentos que garantem a permissão. Membros da igreja, que considera o jogo "doentio e sacrílego", terão um encontro nesta segunda-feira para discutir os próximos passos do processo.

According to site of the “BBC News”, the Bishop of Manchester, reverendo Nigel McCulloch, considered “the dangerously irresponsible” game for stimulating the use of weapons. The city of Manchester has a sad description of crimes with firearms, and therefore the subject was prominence in main English periodicals as the Daily Mail and the The Times. The public-target of the game is composed for adolescents and young adults.

David Wilson, spokesman of Sony in the United kingdom, declared to the English periodical The Times that “the images of the game had been created by computer; no video or real photograph was gotten in the place. One is only about diversion, as in the seriado Doctor Who or any film of scientific fiction. It is not reality, of form some”.

How much to the allegation of that authorization was not asked for, Wilson says that “during all the process of development of the game, we ask for permission to the competent authorities whenever this if made necessary”.

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