quarta-feira, 8 de agosto de 2007

Keyboard has buttons that they float with magnets

He is funny as the keyboards are personal things. We in accustom them with them and when we change, we find odd the sound that they make, the resistance of the keyboard keys and of time in when until we delay in adapting them with buttons in different places. Many promise to create a keyboard that is really very better that the others, but so far this was a promise without fulfilment.

sexta-feira, 22 de junho de 2007

Machine reads thought to control devices

It forgets the control remote. A new technology demonstrated in Japan can become possible to control devices without moving a muscle, only with the cerebral activity. The “interface brain-machine”, developed for the Hitachi, analyzes light changes in the sanguineous chain in the brain and translates the cerebral movement in electric signals. A species of helmet was connected through fiber optics to a device of mapping, that in turn was connected to a train of controlled toy for computer, in a demonstration in the laboratory of advanced research of the Hitachi, in Hatoyama, in Japan. “It breathes deep and it relaxes”, said Keu Utsugi, researcher of the project, while it demonstrated the device in the last Wednesday. To its signal, another researcher, using the helmet, made simple mental arithmetic and the train was onward, pparently indicating cerebral activity in the cortex frontal, responsible for the solution of problems. “To activate that region of the human brain - making accounts or singing a music - it is what it makes the train to walk”, says Utsugi. When the person pára to make the calculations, the train also pára. Under the interface of the machine it is a technology called topography optics, that sends small amounts of light infra-red ray through the surface of the brain, to mapear changes in the sanguineous chain. Although this type of technology traditionally to be focada in medicinal uses, companies as Hitachi and Honda have studied commercial applications. Scientists of the Hitachi are wanting to develop a remote control of television commanded only for the mind. Already the Honda, whose monitorial interface the brain with a machine of magnetic resonance, is empolgada to make an intelligent interface for automobiles of next generation. The technology can one day substitute remote controls and keyboards, beyond assisting incapacitated people to operate chairs of wheel, beds or even though electric members. Initially, the idea is to use the device for people with complete paralysis if to communicate. One of the great advantages of the technology of the Hitachi is that it possesss sensors that do not invade the brain physically. Old experiences requested the one implantation chip under the skull. However, still problems exist. The size is the first one, and the Hitachi already developed a band (as those used ones for the tenistas) that it weighs about one kilo. Another problem is the interference of other cerebral activities and as to ignore them. “Any interface commercial brain-machine sufficiently spread out is a little distant”, says Koizumi. It also said that the technology is amused and could be used with toys. “Sufficiently he is amused to move the train with the thought”, declared. AP Copyright 2007 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material cannot be published, be transmitted, rewritten or redistributed

quarta-feira, 20 de junho de 2007

After being presented in in January of this year in the Macworld, finally the badalado one and waiting iPhone have a date defined for its arrival to the market: 29 of June

robot that dances with ipod

The musical robot Miuro, of the Japanese company ZMP, “dance” in the rhythm of the music touched for iPod or the computer and walks alone for the cômodos without esbarrar in nothing. In Japan, it it leaves for US$ 600

Church goes to process Sony for “unhealthy” game

A Church of England, igreja nacional do Reino Unido, ameaça processar a Sony. A empresa incluiu sem permissão uma cena de tiroteio em seu jogo Resistance: Fall of Man, que se passa dentro da Catedral de Manchester. A Sony garante que possui documentos que garantem a permissão. Membros da igreja, que considera o jogo "doentio e sacrílego", terão um encontro nesta segunda-feira para discutir os próximos passos do processo.

According to site of the “BBC News”, the Bishop of Manchester, reverendo Nigel McCulloch, considered “the dangerously irresponsible” game for stimulating the use of weapons. The city of Manchester has a sad description of crimes with firearms, and therefore the subject was prominence in main English periodicals as the Daily Mail and the The Times. The public-target of the game is composed for adolescents and young adults.

David Wilson, spokesman of Sony in the United kingdom, declared to the English periodical The Times that “the images of the game had been created by computer; no video or real photograph was gotten in the place. One is only about diversion, as in the seriado Doctor Who or any film of scientific fiction. It is not reality, of form some”.

How much to the allegation of that authorization was not asked for, Wilson says that “during all the process of development of the game, we ask for permission to the competent authorities whenever this if made necessary”.

virtual Barbie

It confers test in video with the Pixel Chix, electronic game for girls with a virtual Barbie 2D that 3D lives in a house

Machine to make hurricanes

The season of hurricanes in U.S.A. officially started in the day 1º of June. Almost at the same time, engineers of the University of the Flórida, in Gaineville, had shown the simulator greater of hurricane wind never constructed. One is about an enormous machine. Mounted on a trailer, it she is composed for eight industrial fans, each one with a meter and way of diameter. Energized for four nautical engines with a joint power of 2.800 HP, operating the full load its shovels turn 1,800 times per minute. The objective of the engineers is to test its megamáquina in abandoned houses and to study the effect of the devastação of an hurricane with winds of up to 210 km/h - that is, the maximum level of an hurricane of classroom 3, in accordance with the Saffir-Simpson scale. To have an idea of what this means, it is enough to know that the Katrina hurricane, that one exactly that it flooded the city of New Orleans between 28 and 29 of August of 2005. With 230 winds of km/h, was an hurricane of classroom 4. It was the worse natural disaster of the history of U.S.A., responsible for the death of 1.836 people - even so numbers extra-officers raise the cipher for the house of four the a thousand died.
alemão para francêsalemão para inglêsárabe para inglês Betachinês para inglês Betachinês (simplificado para tradicional) Betachinês (tradicional para simplificado) Betacoreano para inglês Betaespanhol para inglêsfrancês para alemãofrancês para inglêsinglês para alemãoinglês para árabe Betainglês para chinês (simplificado) Betainglês para chinês (tradicional) Betainglês para coreano Betainglês para espanholinglês para francêsinglês para italianoinglês para japonês Betainglês para portuguêsinglês para russo Betaitaliano para inglêsjaponês para inglês Betaportuguês para inglêsrusso para inglês Beta
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The season of hurricanes in U.S.A. officially started in the day 1º of June. Almost at the same time, engineers of the University of the Flórida, in Gaineville, had shown the simulator greater of hurricane wind never constructed. One is about an enormous machine. Mounted on a trailer, it she is composed for eight industrial fans, each one with a meter and way of diameter. Energized for four nautical engines with a joint power of 2.800 HP, operating the full load its shovels turn 1,800 times per minute. The objective of the engineers is to test its megamáquina in abandoned houses and to study the effect of the devastação of an hurricane with winds of up to 210 km/h - that is, the maximum level of an hurricane of classroom 3, in accordance with the Saffir-Simpson scale. To have an idea of what this means, it is enough to know that the Katrina hurricane, that one exactly that it flooded the city of New Orleans between 28 and 29 of August of 2005. With 230 winds of km/h, was an hurricane of classroom 4. It was the worse natural disaster of the history of U.S.A., responsible for the death of 1.836 people - even so numbers extra-officers raise the cipher for the house of four the a thousand died.

Robot guides ceremony of marriage in the Korea of the South

Robots that sing, dance, they take care of of children and they serve as recepcionistas in hotels and universities already had become sufficiently popular. But in this sunday, in Seoul, a robot played an original function very: he was the master of ceremony in a marriage in the locality of Daejeon, 160 km to the south of the capital, Seoul. The fiancés are the engineer of robots Seok Gyeong-Jae and its fiancé Yoon Hyo-jung. The robot “Shot” was the responsible one for guiding the ceremony making the reading of all the texts. Shot, a capable robot of if communicating, beyond other functions, was created by the company of the fiancé, in accordance with the Reuters agency

Car-robot transits in urban ways without driver

In the last thursday, a Passat automobile took a walk for a parking, made three conversions and followed the laws of transit in a crossing of two streets of double hand - everything without driver. The test was carried through by the University of Stanford, in the United States, and is part of the preparation for the DARPA Urban Challenge, a race of independent cars in an urban center, in accordance with the Technology Review.

The name of the Passat is Junior and the test served to determine if it is apt to compete in the challenge. The motivation for the Urban Challenge is to construct one better car. “Cars are unsafe”, say Sebastian Thrun, leader of the team and professor of Stanford. Accidents kill 42 a thousand in U.S.A. and about 1 million in everybody to each year, beyond being inefficient, causing bottlings and demanding extreme attention. The objective of the team of Stanford is to make an car that dirige alone, becoming the roads local the safest one and returning to the people its time. It has two years, the team of Stanford, with the vehicle Stanley, won the DARPA Grand Challenge, a atônoma race in the desert. The car had sensors GPS and laser, a camera and diverse other equipment to guide in the desert. Junior is based on the same technology, but with many improvements. The Junior has type of perception the same the laser that the Stanley, but with a bigger reach. The new car has a total of eight systems that emit light rays and detect consequences, to determine in the distance of other objects. The car also has a necessary equipment of GPS that works in set with a system that monitorial the revolution of the wheels. This set allows to have a precision of localization of 30 centimeters. In agreement tone Thrun, one of the new features most important is the evolution of artificial intelligence. Junior can deal with traffic questions, an obstacle that was not part of the previous challenge. “In the other race, you he had that he only knows sped up itself or diminuía the speed. Now discreter decisions beyond those exist”, said Thrun. Junior successfully fulfilled to all the tests which was assigned. The first one was to assure that the team could remotely stop the car to a speed of 20 mph (about 32 Km/h). Other tests were of navigation, identification of transit plates, to prevent obstacles and to follow directions sent by the DARPA.

Giants of computers want “green” PC

The Google and the Intel are supporting a gigantic initiative to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide. The ambitious plan creates a goal so that industries of the sector reduce the amount of energy consumed for computers up to 2010. The expectations are of that the project cut emissions in 54 million tons per year - the equivalent the 11 million cars or 20 plants of energy moved the coal, say representatives of the companies envolvidasEntre the company who participate of the campaign are Hewlett-Packard, Lenovo, Dell and Microsoft. One gives credit that the effect provoked for computers and equipment related on the half-environment is comparable to the one of the industry of aviation. “Up to 2010, we go to give a significant step in the direction to reduce the emissions that affect our planet”, Pat Gelsinger said, vice-president of the group of digital enterprises of the Intel. Higher prices It calculates that to use more efficient technologies in the expense of energy he would become more expensive computers about US$ 20. Servers would cost more for return of US$ 30. These costs, however, would be compensated by cuts in the light accounts. The idea is that the authorities are encouraged to offer to discountings the consumers who to buy “the green” coputadores. Manufacturers who had agreed to participating of the program go to draw, to produce and to vender equipment that respects in up to 80% the standard Energy Star, established for the Environmental Protection Agency, the agency of ambient protection of the United States. This porcentual must go up for 90% in 2010.

Plasma engine can take the trip Mars

A consolidated scientific laboratory in the Costa Rica more than tested during three uninterrupted hours a plasma engine, an advance for an eventual manned trip Mars, informed in this Wednesday one of its responsible ones. The engine was on in the month passed in the Ad laboratory Astra Rocket and obtained to remain steady three hours for more than, with temperatures around the 50 a thousand degrees Celsius, said the director of the Ad Astra Costa Rica, Ronald Chang. The Ad Astra Rocket, company of the costarriquenho astronaut Franklin Chang, functions in the locality of Libéria, 250 km to the north of the capital of the Costa Rica. After this experience, is foreseen in next December that the plasma engine is tested in a chamber the vacuum in the Ad Astra Houston, for after that initiating the construction of an engine that serves to move satellites and to stabilize space stations with a minimum cost in comparison with the current ones. The objective is that, inside of some years, it will be possible to launch a ship manned for Mars, where, with an engine of this type, would arrive in less than 40 days. With the current systems of propulsion, beyond the high economic cost of the mission, the passage would take two years. “We obtain to improve substantially what we had reached in December”, said Ronald Chang, brother of the astronaut. In passed December, the scientists commanded for Chang had obtained to keep a plasma detonation during two minutes, being marked the beginning of the construction of an engine. Chang detached the capacity of the laboratory and the costarriquenhos scientists in keeping during some hours the steady detonation of the plasma. The Ad Astra esteem that, in next December, it will be possible to go off the archetype of the engine in a chamber of vacuum in the United States, and success will be had, would construct an engine to test it in International the Space Station (ISS, in the acronym in English) in 2009 or 2010. The rockets based on chemical products burn the fuel and the gases are expelled stop backwards in great amounts. This provokes a strong acceleration very, but in few minutes tons of fuel are consumed. The plasma engines, in contrast, banish only some íons (private atoms of an electron and with electric load), but more than the 55 a thousand Km/h. the superior speed of exit compensate, in part, the very small mass of ejected material, what it increases the efficiency. However, the plasma engine has a very small acceleration, the point to become it useless to take off of a planet. In contrast, he is ideal for an interplanetary trip, from the orbit of a celestial body and where already the atmospheric friction does not exist. According to scientists, the plasma engine is composed of three magnetic cells: a plasma source, a “superfeeder” that use electromagnetic waves and one called magnetic nozzle. “The plasma source is constituted of the main neutral gas injection (typically light hydrogen or other gases) to be transformed into plasma and in the ionization system”, it informed the Ad Astra. Later, the “superfeeder” uses electromagnetic waves to energize still more the plasma and to reach the desired temperature, and the “magnetic nozzle” transforms, finally, the energy of the plasma in impulse. Franklin Chang, of 57 years, is mechanical engineer and doctor in nuclear engineering. During its stay in NASA as astronaut, it he made seven space trips. It left the American space agency in 2005 to dedicate itself to the dream to develop the plasma engine. The trip Mars is planned has some years. But, “it could be carried through in 20 years, is not for the immediate future”, contemporizou Ronald Chang. AFP

PC and videogames strengthen bows between parents and children

When Will Nickelson and its son want to pass a time if amusing together, they bind the Nintendo Wii and they play some departures of Wii Sports or Mario Party 8. “It is not the game most easy for a girl of seven years, but it really likes to beat the father in the bowling”, says Nickelson, 30, an owner of house of Alabama. E it certainly is not the only one. The generation that grew with the CAP-Man and Pong is now having its children. E these parents and its children find in the virtual world of the games an excellent place to narrow the bows.

Many parents say that the games approach them the children more than, providing a safe way to be in contact and to talk with the children in its proper terms. A research made in U.S.A. year passed for the Entertainment Association Software discovered that 35% of the parents play videogames and of these, 80% plays with its children - the mothers had also been part of the study. Exactly if considering to gammer of long date, Nickelson says that the time that passes with the son Sara matters much more of what the game properly said. “It is more than what the possibility to be close to it. Being a divorced father, I do not have all the time that would like with it, and is good for seating and for looking for in amusing them together”. The girl says that the friendly competition does not bother. “Taste of the baseball of the Wii, so is amused, I always earns of it. To the times I beat it in the bowling of the Wii. It is almost crazy”, complete. In the house of John Idler, in New Jérsei, one I retire was converted into a center of game with three computers hardwired to the Internet, thus it and two of its children can tan games online in the PCs seated side by side. The TV is that way also, then the entire family can talk, also when its woman and to another son (that they do not play) prefers to see TV. Idler says that the diversion of the games certainly is part, but is in the truth only one excuse so that they pass more time together. “How many parents complain that they do not have subject with the children? He can be colloquy of nerd, but we still are in communicating. How many parents sit down and make consistent activities with the children? I find that the games are a great way to share the time”. The son Matthew, 19, plans to continue the games as a family tradition. “This is something that I go to want to make with my children, and my father will be invited to play with us, he is clearly”, says it. A specialist says that the games equalizam the differences of physical size between parents and children. This means that the children are to the will and can feel themselves more comfortable to talk. “You are in the puncture of the children, and any thing that is amused between parents and children is good”, says the Arminta doctor Jacobson, director of the Center of Education of Parents in the University of the Texas. But also alert it who limits are necessary, because the videogames do not stimulate the social abilities, the reflective thought, the language development, or physical activities. “The parents could reserve a time to each week to play videogame with the children, but also to read, to give strolls or to only talk”, he says. “It is a way of if to join, for people who very do not tan to leave to the sun”, plays Andrew Bub, parents of two children and creator of the site Gamerdad.com, that summary videogames from a paternal perspective. “To have interest in that its children always make it becomes you a better father. E you also will have better ideas on what giving they of gift in the Christmas”, says. For Guy Buckmaster, director of marketing in the Flórida, the habit to play with its six children started in years 1990 with Diablo II: Lord of Destruction. They still play together about two nights for month, but another game, Guild Wars, where they can talk way chat, to botar for is personal questions and - yes - to defeat ones to the others in battles online. “This allowed me to exert a continuous influence and to be a permanent guide in its lives, and this is important for me. The videogame has been an instrument without parallels”.

Table of sinuca has inlaid DVD and videogame

The Australian company Heroin & Smith created a table of sinuca that she contains an equipment of almost complete entertainment. Beyond the game table, she possesss television of LCD, system of sound, DVD, space for videogames and a bar. All this equipment does not leave cheap, the product is Sell for about US$ 12 a thousand. To know the Executive Billiard Table more than, as it is called, it has access the site http://www.heironsmith.com.au/ executive.html.

quarta-feira, 13 de junho de 2007

Earphones watertight Aquapac 100%

You certainly its MP3 to the water test will have a problem when using with common earphones. These phones of the Aquapac offer good sonorous quality until 3m of depth, they follow a floating accessory for it stores them and it is vendido by US$ 40.

MP3 Player Audio Freestyle Sport

Whichever its option of leisure for the summer, to take its MP3 to player to surfar, to swim or same to take a sun bath is one péssima idea. However, the Audio Freestyle Sport MP3 Player allows to make all these activities, since that kept up to 3 meters of depth. Its reloadable battery supplies the device for up to 30 hours. Compatible with PC and Mac, it it folloies earphones to the water test and is vendido by US$ 99,95 (256MB), US$ 129,95 (512MB) and US$ 149,95 (1GB).

Remote control universal Dolphin and Control Center RF-IR

Audio water and seems you combines sufficiently nowadays. The MP3 Player will be bath XA-AW33 of the JVC, imported of Japan, brings one design floating you to water test. Until It stores 256MB of archives WMA-DRM, WMA the 15 or MP3 and operates will be up you hours with four batteries AAA. The swimming pool or bathtub will be 229 US$ in AudioCubes.com has taken it it.

MP3 Player of bath JVC XA-AW33

Audio water and seems to combine sufficiently nowadays. The MP3 Player for bath XA-AW33 of the JVC, imported of Japan, brings one design floating to the water test. It stores until 256MB of archives WMA-DRM, WMA or MP3 and operates for up to 15 hours with four batteries AAA. The swimming pool or bathtub for US$ 229 in AudioCubes.com has taken it it.

Radio-controlled cleaner of swimming pool Jet Net

It wants to clean the swimming pool and still if to amuse? During the winter, to play with water is still better: you do not need to get wet! The Jet Net Radio Pool Cleaner is a filter controlled radio in the boat form that makes the maintenance of the water, removing insects, leves and other dirts. Its hard reloadable battery up to 50 minutes for load! It buys it for US$R 139 in Shop.com

Illumination of floating swimming pool Jellyfish

Floating lights for its swimming pool make direction, but what to say of these, in the jellyfish format? Although the sensation of imminent burning, the Floating Jellyfish Pool Lights is made of durable PVC and has realistic tentáculos, with fiber dumb optics that of color. It is enough to insert four stacks AA and to attend the “spectacle”. Each jellyfish has about 4,5 x 45cm and is vendidas by US$ 59 in the colors emerald or ruby. Frontgate.com.

Digital telephone without wires Uniden WXI477

Digital telephone without wires Uniden WXI477 At certain moments, you simply it cannot leave to take care of to that important linking. If you it will be in the way of the spree inside of the swimming pool and not to want to leave to take care of to the telephone, are enough to buy a WXI477 of the Uniden (US$ 59,99) and take care of it of water inside. The telephone is one handset digital without wires of 5.8GHz completely to the water test. To complete, it offers functions of Caller ID, waits of call, discusses, personalized touch and intercom (function for you would carry) with capacity to store up to 100 numbers.

More agility in its businesses!

Independent of where it will be, travelling the businesses or of vacation, you it has access the Virtual Imobi and it manages its listing of property publishing immediately of its proper site of simple and fast form inside! It is very easy! It registers in cadastre the property, it registers the processes of venda and rent, customers, negotiations, etc

Keyboard functions moved the solar energy

Frequently of 2.4 GHz, the keyboard has a battery that it quickly stores the necessary energy for its continuous, beyond 17 fast keyboard keys for access to the Internet and the main resources of the Seen Windows and versions anteiores of the operational system. The SlimStar 820 Solargizer also comes in a kit that includes one mouse laser (that it functions in all the types of base), without wire, with reach of up to 10 meters of distance. The keyboard has esteem price of R$ 450, and can be found in magazines and deliverers great, resales of computer science and for the Internet.

Atlantic EGO

Its EGO is to the water test? Tricks to the part, valley the penalty to confer these loudspeakers EGO of the Atlantic (US$ 149,99), completely sealed up. Alem to offer excellent harnesses sonorous, they protects its iPod of water, sand and other dirts. It is enough to insert two stacks AA, to connect its iPod with the audio handle of and closing the policarbonato apparatus to literally stop floating with its favourite musicas. The package folloies an arrestor of fist, another one for the shoulders and a control of volume. The accessory is compatible with the models: iPod mini, iPod nano (1a and 2a generations) and iPod (4a and 5a generation).

-shirt “USB. Fun Will be You and Me”

Here, always we write on strange devices USB. Now you can demonstrate to its love for the interface with the t-shirt “Fun Will be You and Me” (USB: Diversion for you and me). Available only in the brown color, it it is vendida in all the sizes in the masculine format, extra even though great. NerdyShirts.com has the for sale product for US$ 14,99 (R$ 29,50).

Accessory transforms iPod into vibrator

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Honrosa mention #2: Crocodile Pope-given

If you underneath sleep with the flash drive of the arm, this accessory you become in such a way more pleasant task one: the USB Crocodile Memory Stick is a crocodile of pelúcia of the Imation. It weighs only 31g, supports USB 2,0 and lodges until 128MB in its belly. Cost US$ 44 (R$ 85).

Honrosa mention: it is hour of the ballad!

Who said that work is not diversion? It learns to dance as Justin Timberlake and makes the party with the USB-Powered Multi-Colored Ball Record, of the Xoxide (19,99 US$ - R$ 38). It lights in diverse colors, and still superficially he turns.

Policy of Great-Britain launches aerial robot-spy

The equipment was launched by the policy of the region of Merseyside, that understands the area of Liverpool, and goes to monitor situations where suspicious they present antisocial behaviors or they make baderna. According to policy of Merseyside, the job of this new technology goes to allow that more policemen are used in the patrolling of the streets. “We constantly try to have more men in the streets and to maximize the technology is a powerful way to obtain this”, said the assistant manager of the policy of Merseyside, Simon Byrne. The robot-aerial one is quiet, has a meter of length, weighs less of one kilo and can record clear images the 500 meters of height. It also can be equipped with cameras that film in the dark one. Phase of tests The first tests of the mini-helicopter, that was developed by the Army, go to happen in June. The experience phase goes to last three months. The policy also intends to perhaps use the flying object in the monitoramento of the traffic and until as support in operations with firearms - since few units of the British policy only can use this type of armament. The mini-helicopters can be controlled remotely or to use navigation systems preprogrammed way GPS (navigation satellite). The images registered for the robots are caught in vehicles of support of the policy or in the room of central command. “For us, this is a form to capture criminal with good relation cost-benefit and can use technologies that we already currently use in our vehicles and helicopter”, he added Byrne.

Odorizador of environments USB

If its friend of team smokes excessively or he does not like to take bath, this device will be of great aid… for its nose. It adds the fragrance of its preference, that the USB Oil Burner (26.91 US$ - R$ 52) will be puted in charge in spreading the aroma through its filter. Its base lights in diverse random colors - we do not only understand the reason of its format, a cacti. The fragrance oils are vendidos separately.

Google prepares launching of the YouTube in the Europe

The American group of Internet Google is preparing the launching in the Europe of the site of exchange of YouTube videos, starting with a French version, according to edition of today of the economic periodical “Les Echos”.
The president of the company, Eric Schmidt, will announce in day 19, in Paris, the arrival of the YouTube - bought she has nine months for US$ 1,65 billion - to France, affirmed the periodical, without citing sources.
The president of the company, Eric Schmidt, will announce in day 19, in Paris, the arrival of the YouTube - bought she has nine months for US$ 1,65 billion - to France, affirmed the periodical, without citing sources.
The daily one remembers that the French market is one of that counts on the biggest number of users of the Google.
The American company also wants to face the competition of sites that offer contents seemed, as the Dailymotion and the MySpace, that have a strong market in France.
The Dailymotion, leader of the French market, said not to fear the arrival of the YouTube, because, according to its president, Benjamin Bejbaum, “arrives a little late”.
“We already have very strong agreements with partners as the Universal one”, added.
So that the entrance in the country has success, the Google is negotiating with the main nets of television, with the objective to offer its contents in the YouTube.
In France, the company entered in contact with “TF1”, “Canal Plus”, “M6” and the public group “France Télévision”, with which she arrived at an agreement to disponibilizar some programs of the canal “France 4”. In the future, the giant of the Internet intends to establish agreements of prescription distribution advertising executive, as it occurs in the United States. One of the problems for the development of the YouTube is the processes opened for infringing its rights of transmission for the television, after the “breach” opened by the English Championship, in the United kingdom, for Liga de Professional Futebol of France and for the French Federacy of Tennis.

Vibratory Massageador USB

I would adore to receive a massage while work. Since this is not possible, the Japanese company Thanko invented this strange device, call USB Shaking Octopus (39 US$ - R$ 75). It is incased in its head and emits a light vibration, that theoretically eliminates even though migraines. The manufacturer affirms that she is possible uses it in other parts of the body, as the neck, waist and others that valley the penalty not to cite

Mini-aquarium USB

I do not wash windows, much less aquariums. Therefore Mini USB Aquarium (9,95 US$ - R$ 19) is ideal for me. Door USB connects it it, and attends the movement of the tropical fish in the water. Very bacana, but it must give a beautiful migraine in the end of the day.

A finger USB?

It wants to scare its friends, familiar and fellow workers? The Solid Alliance launched the USB Thumb Drive, a frightful flash drive in the format of a human finger. It stores until 128MB of data and is vendido by US$ 89 in the Dynamism.

Fondue USB

Since you it tanned pantufas USB, it calls its fellow workers to after delight with a hot dessert the lunch. This kit of fondue USB costs US$ 29,99 (R$ 58) and brings a handle USB FireGlow, six yokes, a booklet with prescriptions and a heater with display in LCD. To melt cheese and chocolate never was so nerd.

Hot feet

It wants to seat and to relax in the office? In the rigorous winter, it keeps its quentinhos feet with the USB Heating Slippers of the Thanko (29 US$ - R$ 56). These pantufas if heat when connected to the USB, and measure about 33x33cm.

It confers 10 strange accessories for cellular

At a time in which almost everybody has a cellular telephone, equipment and accessories to decorate the device are what it does not lack. It confers an election of the accessories less conventional.

To assist the women who “lose” its cellular one in the stock market, itens hung that they blink already had become sufficiently popular. One “penduricalho” nothing conventional is a doll that lights the penis when the cellular flame. Another small device promises to detect ghosts and blinks in the presence of deixarred a carne beings.

layers of cellular also exist in all the possible formats. We show to one that are made in leather and have panty form, and another one that seems a banana.

Some accessories are until useful, as the light that identifies to money counterfeit bills or a portable microscope. Others are little practical, as a portable telephonic cabin. E for who wants to give one another use for the cellular telephone, exists an adapter even though to transform it into a vibrator.

Corrector of position USB

I admit - I do not have the best position while use the computer. Perhaps this accessory stranger makes with that my mother stops of pentelhar, crying out: “he feels yourself right”. The USB Vision and Posture Reminder (27 US$ - R$ 52) alert when you he will be very next to the monitor. The ideal distancia is of 30 60cm, therefore if you not to correct its position in 15 seconds, the device will emit a noise. It folloies a clip and adhesives to seat in the top of its monitor

Wooden flash drive

It would have Gepetto bred Pinóquio if they existed wooden drives USB at that time? Probably not, then dutch company OOOMS adopted the idea, and created Wooden USB Memory Sticks. Made in natural wood, them they store until 1GB of data and are sells by US$ 99 (R$ 192).

O USB Duck-Shaped Vacuum Cleaner

You lunch in its table of work? It is probable that the crumbs if hide in diverse orifices, between the improbable keyboard keys and other places. With this vacuum cleaner USB in duck form, you he eliminates all those moments “oh” and does not leave everything limpinho, without tracks of its baguete of calabresa or salgadinho of cheese. The USB Duck-Shaped Vacuum Cleaner weighs 99g and is vendido by US$ 21 (R$ 40).

Nokia launches cellular with body of glass and steel

The Nokia 8600 Luna is cellular with inserted camera of two megapixels in a body of dark glass and a steel. The Nokia waits to vender the device in this trimester for about 700 euros, about R$ 1,7 a thousand without including taxes and subsidies of operators. Already the Nokia 6500 Classic is cellular 3G hip-band, can all be used in the world, of 9,5 millimeters of thickness, one of finest of the company. The device must arrive at the market in the third trimester for 320 euros (US$ 430). The 6500 Slide has camera of 3,2 stainless steel megapixels and body. The expectation of the Nokia is that the cellular one is vendido by 370 euros, from the third trimester.

USB Hamster Wheel

When child, I had a brown hamster. Unhappyly, it lived per only two years. Still well that I found the USB Wheel Hamster, therefore this yes lives forever. For £24,95 (R$ 95) you purchase a lie hamster, of pelúcia, and a red plastic wheel. It is enough to connect geringonça to door USB, to install software and to start to type. In accordance with its speed of digitação, the hamster will run more (or less).

New cellular it has sensible internal screen to the touch

Depending on the function used for the device the controls if they adaptam. For example: if you mp3 will be hearing its, it will not have the numerical buttons, and yes traditional play, stop, forward and etc. If you it will be using the camera, it it will give to options of light filters and adjustment to it of colors. One of the critical ones related to the technology touchscreen is that a time is difficult to use the buttons that you do not feel if they “had been pressed” or not. The Pantech solved this making with that the device discrete vibrates each time that a button is set in motion, to give feedback tactile snapshot to the user of the device. The device has two cameras. In the part of the front it is VGA, while the one that is in the part of brings has 2megapixels. The device presents the function Recognition Face, that locates faces in the captured images and automatically adjusts to the illumination and the coloration of the photos. The device does not have forecast to arrive in the Brazilian market.

Minisystem records and touches MP3 without using computer

The Philips launched the MP3 Total Rip, a device that, beyond the traditional functions already: it records musics direct in the MP3 device, without she is necessary to use a computer in the process. It also records musics of the COMPACT DISC, radio, ribbon cassette, has function of karaoke, greater power in the sound, and touches musics of the MP3 direct Player/USB. The MP3 Total Rip has tray of CDs for three records and reproduction of 30 hours without stopping. The new device also records programs of radio automatically in device UBS, using timer. The device already is for sale in all the Country, with suggested price of R$ 899.

New MP4 promises to more memory and better image

The Zimo Electronics announces its new tocador MP4, the Zimo F20. With design elegant and finishing fosco or crystal, the equipment promises to greater capacity of memory and more quality of audio image and. It is possible, in any place, to see videos, to read electronic books, to hear music more and. With thickness of 1,2 cm, the Zimo F20 it has screen OLED of 1,8 counts that reproduces 262 a thousand colors. In two options of color (black or white), the device is compatible with MP3, WMA, JPG and MTV and allows writing of voice and FM. The device functions with internal reloadable lithium battery and can be found in versions of 512 MB, 1GB, 2GB and 4GB the memory can be expanded in 1 GB with SD.Fone card of ear, handle and manual in Portuguese folloies the tocador, that wheel in Windows 98Se, Me (with driver) and Windows 2000 and XP (plug & play). The product can all be found in store and electronic commerce in the Country retail, with suggested prices of R$ 239 (512MB); R$ 299 (1GB); R$ 359 (2GB) and R$ 449 (4GB).

Tender for iPod it is launched in England

The British store of clothes Marks & Spencer created tender a compatible one with iPod. The clothes are made with Elektex, one fabric that that allows the lapel if transforms into a control with five buttons, beyond wool and synthetic fiber. Palitó is being vendido for 90 pounds, about R$ 350. The pants of the joint one costs 50 pounds, equivalent to a value around R$ 195.

Russia receives 1º world-wide from chess between computers

The Deep computers Junior and Deep Fritz dispute, from this Wednesday, the first official world-wide championship of the history of the chess between computers, with a prize of US$ 60 a thousand (about R$ 120 a thousand) for winner and US$ 40 a thousand (about R$ 80 a thousand) for the loser. The match, that will contemplate the computer that if to leave better in six departures, is disputed in Elista, capital of the Russian republic of the Calmúquia, whose president, Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, also dirige the International Federacy of Chess (Fide). Each departure of the Pantry of the President, or Ultimate Computer Chess Challenge, as the match is known, will go to last 75 minutes, with five seconds for each movement, and tiebreaker in case of it ties up to. The Deep Junior, champion enters the machines in the Olimpíada de Xadrez disputed in the year passed in Turim, it will start with the white parts, and is considered by the specialists the favourite person or thing in the dispute. Already the Deep Fritz defeated in December of 2006 for 4 the 2 the current world-wide champion of chess, the Russian Vladimir Kramnik, duel that also premiou optimum of the six departures in Bonn, old German capital. The first duel between the man and the machine occurred in 1997, when now the pensioner Gary Kasparov faced the computer Deep Blue, that won for 3,5 points the 2,5.

U.S.A. develops robot to rescue welded wounded

Commanded for remote control, the robot that supports up to 135 kilos with one of the arms and has 1,80 meter of height, can cover mountainous lands and cross narrow tickets while it loads a wounded man. The new technology will be equipped with cameras and microphone, by means of which the operators will be able to see and to hear what the action is happening while hard. The robot also can help to protect the lives of other soldiers in action. The equipment can be put into motion of knees or lying, covering any type of land without being noticed by the enemy. Friendly appearance In accordance with Daniel Theobald, president of the Vecna Technologies of College Park, company who is developing the technology, “had the necessity of if to create a robot that cheguasse where the soldiers they are”, said to the magazine New Scientist. “The form human being of the robot, with the head of a pelúcia bear, confers it a friendly appearance. When it is dealt with rescue situations it is important to keep the human heat”, says Gary Gilbert, of the Center of Telemedicina and Pesquisa de Advanced Tecnologia of the American army, that financed part of the project. So far the American Congress destined US$ 1.1 million, (R$ 2,2 million) to the project. Bear goes to act mainly in the rescue of wounded, but also he will be involved in other tasks, as to load equipment. The new technology must be ready for the first tests in the battlefields in less five year. The use of robots this if becoming practical common in the American army. During the war of the Afeganistão, in 2001, robots had explored caves in the search of the militant hiding places of Islamic.

Cellular it substitutes electronic ways of payment

In the congress, that will have 22 keynotes speakers come of 12 countries, it will have debates on some of the biggest world-wide experiences in “mobile banking”. The Ciab Febraban will receive 1,6 a thousand conventionals (200 representatives of banks of Latin America and more 100 observers of other countries) in the three days from the event. The event must receive 16 a thousand visitors in the area from expositions, that congregates 80 of the supplying greaters of technology of the world. Companies as Cisco, Bull, Xerox, InfoServer, EMC, CPqD, Eversystems, Banrisul, Itautec and CSC Brazil, between many others, show solutions to facilitate to payments, as well as softwares and solutions come back to the security of the transactions.

Taiwanesa will launch rival of iPhone in U.S.A.

Intelligent the taiuanesa manufacturer of cellular High Tech Computer (HTC) announced today that she will launch a cellular one equipped with screen of touch in the United States until the end of the year, in an effort to concur with iPhone, of the Apple. The launching of the HTC Touch in the United States goes to follow itself to the recent arrival of the product to the British market, said Peter Chou, president-executive of the group. The model, cellular an intelligent one that offers telephony resources and also functions as organizador staff, uses technology of screen of similar touch to the one of iPhone, that month will arrive at the store of the United States in the end of this. “We finally complete all our overturns”, we said Chou, in reference to the recent transistion of its company, who left of being only one terceirizada producer of cellular for other company and now she takes to the market products with its mark. At the moment, the cellular ones with mark HTC answer for 70% of the invoicing of the group.

Great radios leave to the search of listeners in the Internet

Last week, a known presenter of radio as Vibegrrl, that works in the schedule of lunch in Hot 99,5, a station pop of Washington, offered to the listeners of the program a chance to gain ingressions for the show of the Hinder band.

But to earn, she was necessary more than what to bind for the radio. First the listeners had to visit the site of Hot 99,5 and to identify the photo of a woman of tanga, photographed of coasts; later them they would only have to bind for the studio with the reply. (For surprise of nobody, the woman was Britney Spears.) “Everybody passes the entire day in the Internet”, said Vibegrrl, whose real name is Lara Dua.

“It would be half lack of intelligence not to become this trend has left of what we make”. The interaction with the listeners very costumava “to be limited”, it adds. Now, however, “I beat papo, keep one blog, make research and take care of phone calls, everything at the same time”.