quarta-feira, 20 de junho de 2007

PC and videogames strengthen bows between parents and children

When Will Nickelson and its son want to pass a time if amusing together, they bind the Nintendo Wii and they play some departures of Wii Sports or Mario Party 8. “It is not the game most easy for a girl of seven years, but it really likes to beat the father in the bowling”, says Nickelson, 30, an owner of house of Alabama. E it certainly is not the only one. The generation that grew with the CAP-Man and Pong is now having its children. E these parents and its children find in the virtual world of the games an excellent place to narrow the bows.

Many parents say that the games approach them the children more than, providing a safe way to be in contact and to talk with the children in its proper terms. A research made in U.S.A. year passed for the Entertainment Association Software discovered that 35% of the parents play videogames and of these, 80% plays with its children - the mothers had also been part of the study. Exactly if considering to gammer of long date, Nickelson says that the time that passes with the son Sara matters much more of what the game properly said. “It is more than what the possibility to be close to it. Being a divorced father, I do not have all the time that would like with it, and is good for seating and for looking for in amusing them together”. The girl says that the friendly competition does not bother. “Taste of the baseball of the Wii, so is amused, I always earns of it. To the times I beat it in the bowling of the Wii. It is almost crazy”, complete. In the house of John Idler, in New Jérsei, one I retire was converted into a center of game with three computers hardwired to the Internet, thus it and two of its children can tan games online in the PCs seated side by side. The TV is that way also, then the entire family can talk, also when its woman and to another son (that they do not play) prefers to see TV. Idler says that the diversion of the games certainly is part, but is in the truth only one excuse so that they pass more time together. “How many parents complain that they do not have subject with the children? He can be colloquy of nerd, but we still are in communicating. How many parents sit down and make consistent activities with the children? I find that the games are a great way to share the time”. The son Matthew, 19, plans to continue the games as a family tradition. “This is something that I go to want to make with my children, and my father will be invited to play with us, he is clearly”, says it. A specialist says that the games equalizam the differences of physical size between parents and children. This means that the children are to the will and can feel themselves more comfortable to talk. “You are in the puncture of the children, and any thing that is amused between parents and children is good”, says the Arminta doctor Jacobson, director of the Center of Education of Parents in the University of the Texas. But also alert it who limits are necessary, because the videogames do not stimulate the social abilities, the reflective thought, the language development, or physical activities. “The parents could reserve a time to each week to play videogame with the children, but also to read, to give strolls or to only talk”, he says. “It is a way of if to join, for people who very do not tan to leave to the sun”, plays Andrew Bub, parents of two children and creator of the site Gamerdad.com, that summary videogames from a paternal perspective. “To have interest in that its children always make it becomes you a better father. E you also will have better ideas on what giving they of gift in the Christmas”, says. For Guy Buckmaster, director of marketing in the Flórida, the habit to play with its six children started in years 1990 with Diablo II: Lord of Destruction. They still play together about two nights for month, but another game, Guild Wars, where they can talk way chat, to botar for is personal questions and - yes - to defeat ones to the others in battles online. “This allowed me to exert a continuous influence and to be a permanent guide in its lives, and this is important for me. The videogame has been an instrument without parallels”.

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